“If it had not been for the Lord on my side, WHERE would I be?”

Annette McGowan Hayes was born in Jackson, Mississippi and was blessed to live with her great grandparents, the late George and Lillie Galloway in Carthage Mississippi until she moved to Dayton Ohio in 1968. Annette is the oldest of thirteen children (three deceased) and the proud daughter of Annie Lewis Cowherd and the late James Griffin. She is the aunt of 24 nieces and nephews and 22 great nieces and nephews, whom she calls “her children”.  She is a widow to the late Deacon Earnest Hayes.

Annette is a member of Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church where she has been serving for thirty-six years and currently serves as the President of the Missionary Auxiliary, sings in the Choir and is the Church Secretary.  She has served in Zion Hill as a Church School Teacher, Past President of Women’s Auxiliary, Past Director of Vacation Bible School and many other ministries as chairperson.  She has held various offices and positions in Montgomery County Missionary Union, Springfield District Missionary Auxiliary, Western Union Baptist District Association and the Ohio Baptist General Convention as a Teacher, Children’s Band Organizer and Superintendent, Oratorical Contest Organizer, Workshop Coordinator, Educational Leader, and chairperson of many projects and ministries too numerous to name.  She is currently the 1st Vice President of the Western Union Baptist District Association Women’s Auxiliary and the newly elected President. As she says, “I am standing on many shoulders; we are who we are because of the hard work of the people who came before us and who God wants us to be.”

She has written and produced many plays and skits for Zion Hill as well as other churches and organizations in the community.  The most memorable play was “Pilgrim’s Progress – Follow the Journey’ based on the book ‘PILGRIM’S PROGRESS” by John Bunyon.  She also hosted a Talk Show on a local television network interviewing citizen of the Africa Countries Uganda, Erithia, Ethiopia, and Nigeria regarding conditions in Africa surrounding African women.  She is known for her unique topics of presenting at workshops such as “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, “Recipe for Life…Feasting on God’s Grace”; Walking with the Lord with a SHOE Attitude, “Bee a Sweet Christian” and many others.

For several years, Annette tutored and mentored students in the Dayton Public Schools in Math, English, and Science; she chaperoned and organized teenage gatherings (parties, drill teams, baseball games, and numerous community activities). 

She was the owner of “Etcetera” specializing in event planning (weddings, anniversaries, bridal showers, exhibits, fashion shows); accounting, tax preparation, programs and souvenir booklets, etc. for over thirty years.

Employed forty-four years – fourteen years in the private sector and thirty years with Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities, where she worked with families and professionals to provide services to families who are taking care of individuals with special needs, she retired November 2015. She states, I have found that being retired makes you work harder.”

Annette was educated in the Mississippi and Dayton school system attending Jordan High in Carthage Mississippi, In Dayton: Highview Elementary, Patterson Co-op High School, Sinclair Community College, Wright State University and (Zion Hill Baptist Theological Institute receiving certificates on (Bible Theory, Teach with Success, Bible Doctrine). She says “every day is an opportunity for education, God enables us to learn something every day, listen and pay attention.”
Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.” Her motto: “It is better to give than to receive, there is joy in giving,” Words to live byLET GO and LET GOD

From the desk of Annette McGowan-Hayes
5118 Weddington Drive, Trotwood, Ohio 45426 
                                                                          Cell: (937)248-5159  Home: (937) 837-8009
November 4, 2023



I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

It has been recommended that I submit an agenda for the year 2024 and I do have a full agenda that will be presented at a later date. Today I will share with you that my first priority is to meet with the newly elected and appointed Women’s Auxiliary Officers and the Immediate Past President to discuss the agenda. This meeting will take place this month.

As the incoming Officers of the Women’s Auxiliary, it is an opportunity for us to build on current programs and projects and to make recommendations and bring suggestions; it is my mission to ensure that we are all on one accord and serving as God will have us serve.  It is our prayer that we can fill vacant offices and that the women of WUBDA know who we are and what we are planning. WOMEN you are needed to fulfill our mission.

Once this meeting occurs, a packet will be sent via email and/or United States Postal mail to the Parent Body, the Pastors of registered Churches, Women Auxiliary Presidents, and Missionary Presidents.  This packet will include an introductory letter, an agenda, contact information for the women officers, dates of programs, information on projects and a contact information form to be completed by the Church.  Those of you attending today will receive this form today, please return form by November 30, 2023.

A wise Pastor shared with me the below and I have modified it slightly:

“If you have not been asked, If you have not been assigned, Don’t assume you aren’t needed, Come to us and volunteer to serve, than we can be on one accord”

I thank you for your support and look forward to serving with you and being of service. As President of the Women, I am with you, behind you and I will go forth for you. Please pray for the Women’s Auxiliary Officers, and please allow us the opportunity to serve you as God has given us direction. I thank the Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church family and Rev. Dr. Junior Greenlee for your continued support and encouragement. The Church on the Hill!

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!



Western’s Women’s Auxiliary November 4, 2023
Contact Information Form (please print)
 (Requested by the Western Union Baptist District Association Women’s Auxiliary Officers)

Name of Church

Street Address____________________________________________________________________

City____________________  Zip Code___________  Phone Number________________________

Pastor’s Name________________________________  Phone Number________________________
Email address of Church_____________________________________________________________

WOMEN’S CONTACT INFORMATION:  Circle one:  Auxiliary President        Missionary President


Street Address_______________________________________________________________

City____________________  Zip Code___________  Phone Number___________________

Email address_______________________________________________________________

(If so, please complete as indicated)


Georgia Miller Chapter:  Y  N; Name of Organizer________________________________________

Phone Number______________________Email address___________________________________

Hattie Jackson Guilds:  Y  N; Name of Organizer_________________________________________

Phone Number______________________Email address___________________________________

Children’s Band:  Y  N; Name of Organizer_____________________________________________

Phone Number______________________Email address___________________________________
DEADLINE TO RETURN November 30, 2023